
Noscope glasses intro
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There can be no legislature or judge that can make a perfect law written in perfect English for ordinary people to understand and not get criticized. Considering the facts, all laws cannot be free from ambiguity when applied to them. He said that it is not within an ordinary man’s power to realise what new facts will arise from a case at hand. Lord Denning commented on the need of interpretation in Seasford Court Estates Ltd. Salmond directed that, “Interpretation or construction is the process by which the Court’s seek to ascertain the meaning of the legislature through the medium of authoritative forms in which it is expressed.” Penal: When there is imposition of penalty or forfeiture.Disabling or Restraining : Restrain on the alienation of property.Enabling : Removal of restriction or disability.Consolidation : This is combining several previous statutes relating to the same subject matter with or without making changes in the same.Amendment : This is when the judge or the legislature changes or alters the statute law.Remedial : This is when they alter the common law or the judge makes a non-statutory law on a particular subject.

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Declaration : When there is no change in the existing law but merely clarification or explanation of what it is.Codification : It is one when they codify the unwritten law on a particular subject.Statutes are divided into classes as mentioned below: Constitution of India has no particular definition for the word statute but it uses the term “law” for denoting the actions of legislature and its primary power.

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